Twin Peaks Film Location – Meeting on the Rock Path

Following the passing of Leland Palmer in Episode 2009, the law enforcement team and Major Briggs gather on a rock-lined path to analyze and decompress the emotional event. Thanks to Charles and Travis from the former website, we know the location where this scene was shot in southern California. Using the original post from that now defunct website, I take a closer look at this spot.


Twin Peaks Film Location - Meeting on the Rock Path
Google Earth

The scene was shot on the grounds of the Malibu Forestry Unit located at 942 Las Virgenes Road in Calabasas, California. The approximate location where the scene was shot is found at these coordinates – 34°05’04.7″N 118°42’09.7″W. Interestingly, the Tibetan rock throwing scene and the nighttime scene where Bobby Briggs and Mike Nelson are confronted by Leo Johnson in Episode 1002 were also shot here.


Google Maps - Malibu Forestry Unit
Google Maps

While researching this location, I found a PDF of a document published in 1977 titled Wildlife Plantings and Urban Forestry.” It was created by the Forestry Division at the County of Los Angeles Department of Forester and Fire Warden and provided an overview of efforts throughout Southern California.

Google Maps - Malibu Forestry Unit
Google Maps

According to the document, the Malibu Forestry Unit “began operations in 1955 as part of a program which established forestry nurseries in association with County juvenile probation camps.” These juvenile camp crews built the nursery and were used in its operation until 1973 when the juvenile fire crew program was abolished in the Malibu area.

The document further explains that a large percentage of the coniferous trees growing in the Santa Monica Mountains originated at the Unit. These trees have assisted property owners in their efforts toward protecting their homes from excessive erosion and have contributed to the general aesthetics of populated portions of the mountains.

Google Earth - Location in 2007
Google Earth

While looking at the area via Google Earth, I noticed there were a lot of trees visible on the grounds in 2007. Many of these trees were probably seen in both Episodes 1002 and 2009. Charles and Travis visited around this time so the photos they took will have many of these trees.

Google Earth - Location in 2011
Google Earth – 2011

By 2011, many of those trees along the rock path were removed. Since I haven’t visited this location yet, I’ll be curious to see if anything is still recognizable.

It’s similar to the Dead Dog Farm spot in Sylmar, California where the house used for the location was demolished and the area is barely recognizable anymore.


Twin Peaks Film Location - Meeting on the Rock Path
Episode 2.009

The scene begins with a Dutch angled shot of a tree.

A short time later. Truman, Cooper and Albert step through the pines. As if to seek refuge in the rain-fresh air. Major Briggs is standing in a clearing.

Albert Rosenfield
Episode 2.009

Director Tim Hunter used similar angles at the beginning of episode when the law enforcement team was discussed Maddy’s passing.

Twin Peaks Film Location - Meeting on the Rock Path
Episode 2.009
Twin Peaks Film Location - Meeting on the Rock Path

Sheriff Truman, Agent Cooper and Agent Rosenfield walk slowly down a rock-lined path. I’m guessing this path is supposed to be located behind the Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Department.

Agent Cooper Discusses Tibet
Episode 1.002

You can see part of the path and the green shed in the distance when Agent Cooper discusses Tibet in Episode 1002.

Twin Peaks Film Location - Meeting on the Rock Path

When Charles and Travis visited in the late 2000s, the shed was painted red.

Twin Peaks Film Location - Meeting on the Rock Path
Episode 2.009
Twin Peaks Film Location - Meeting on the Rock Path

Major Briggs is standing on the opposite side along the rock-lined path. What exactly was he doing there? More on that in a moment.

Twin Peaks Film Location - Meeting on the Rock Path
Episode 2.009

As Cooper passes the camera, he’s holding a paper coffee cup.

Twin Peaks Film Location - Meeting on the Rock Path
Episode 2.009

Truman and Albert appear visibly shaken by the event that recently transpired.


Twin Peaks Film Location - Meeting on the Rock Path
Episode 2.009

As Truman crosses, we see the log pile from in Episode 1002 in the distance. The table of doughnuts would have been found in front of it.

Twin Peaks Film Location - Meeting on the Rock Path
Episode 2.009

Truman sits by a tree.

Cooper holding a coffee cup crossing a path
Episode 2.009
Agent Cooper Crosses the Path
Episode 2.009

Cooper acknowledges Major Briggs as he crosses to his spot still holding that cup.

Twin Peaks Film Location - Meeting on the Rock Path
Episode 2.009

He stops in front of a tree and offers us a great profile shot.

Coffee Cup Comparsion
Episode 2.009

And that cup … it’s so awesome. I remember drinking from cups like this once. I haven’t found the exact match yet but I’m sure it’s a discontinued pattern from the 1980s.

Fellow author Jason McMahan identified the cup as part of the Sweetheart line of plastic lined hot food and drink containers.


I’m going to reference the script written by Mark Frost, Harley Peyton and Robert Engles. Multiple drafts were made between late September and early October 1990:

  • FIRST DRAFT – Dept. Heads Only: September 21, 1990
  • General Distribution: September 27, 1990
  • REVISED: October 2, 1990 (Blue Pages)
  • REVISED: October 3, 1990 (Pink Pages)
  • REVISED: October 8, 1990 (Green Pages)

The scripted dialog will be presented first with the broadcasted dialogue found underneath in bold.

Sheriff Harry S. Truman
Episode 2.009

He was insane. Schizophrenic. Gerard too.
He was completely insane.

COOPER (Spoken Off Screen)
Was he?
You think so.

TRUMAN (Omitted)
What’s the alternative? Ghosts and goblins?

Agent Albert Rosenfield
Episode 2.009

An elemental spirit?
But people saw Bob. People saw him in visions. Laura, Maddy, Sarah Palmer.
(This dialogue actually appears later in the scripted version)

Major Garland Briggs Crossing the Path
Episode 2.009
Major Garland Briggs Crossing the Path
Episode 2.009

Major Briggs crosses from his spot to one opposite Agent Cooper.

Twin Peaks Film Location - Meeting on the Rock Path

Here’s another look at Major Briggs’ original spot from

Twin Peaks Film Location - Meeting on the Rock Path
Episode 2.009
Twin Peaks Film Location - Meeting on the Rock Path

Gentlemen, there is more in heaven and earth than is dreamt of in our philosophy. 

Briggs’ line comes from my favorite Shakespeare play, “Hamlet.”

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
– Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio

Special Agent Dale Cooper
Episode 2.009


As mentioned, this is where Albert’s line about Bob appeared in the script.

People saw him. People saw Bob. Laura. Maddy. Sarah Palmer.


Major Garland Briggs
Episode 2.009

If you look carefully, you’ll spot Major Briggs holding something in his left hand. At first, I thought it was a pipe. But that wouldn’t make sense since he smacked Bobby for smoking.

I then thought it might be a bird caller or perhaps a pair of binoculars. Both of these would seem to justify why the Major was standing in the wilderness. The script doesn’t mention anything about a prop.

Betty Briggs on the Couch
Episode 2.012

UPDATE- November 1, 2020 – Fellow Bookhouse Boy Jason McMahan pointed out a bunch of pipes sitting on the side table at the Briggs’ house in Episode 2.012. So perhaps it really was a pipe that the Major was holding in the woods.


The next portion of the script was omitted on screen.

Then how did Ronette see him in the train car?

COOPER (just an idea)
Maybe the head injury. The trauma opened some kind of perceptual window … 

ALBERT (to Cooper)
How did you see him? 

(trying to help Cooper)
That question may require a bit more self-examination. 

Twin Peaks Film Location - Meeting on the Rock Path
Episode 2.009
Twin Peaks Film Location - Meeting on the Rock Path
Episode 2.009

I’ve lived in these woods all my life. I’ve heard some strange things. Seen some too. But this is way off the map. I’m having a hard time believing. 

You know, I’ve lived in these woods most of my life. I’ve seen some strange things, but this is way off the map. I’m having a hard time … believing.

Special Agent Dale Cooper
Episode 2.009

Is it easier to believe a man would rape and murder his own daughter? Is that any more comforting? 

Harry, is it easier to believe a man would rape and murder his own daughter? Any more comforting?

Sheriff Truman
Episode 2.009

TRUMAN (pause, horrified)

Twin Peaks Film Location - Meeting on the Rock Path
Episode 2.009

An evil that great in this beautiful world. Finally, does it matter what the cause? 

Briggs is still holding that object when now appears to be a monocular of some sort.

Twin Peaks Film Location - Meeting on the Rock Path
Episode 2.009

Yes. Because it’s our job to stop it.

Twin Peaks Film Location - Meeting on the Rock Path
Episode 2.009

Briggs thinks, agrees, nods.

Then my favorite part …

Twin Peaks Film Location - Meeting on the Rock Path
Episode 2.009

He just walks away! No explanation, agreed and gone.


The scene continues with dialogue from Albert

Maybe that’s all “Bob” is. The evil that men do.  Maybe it doesn’t matter what we call it. 

Pause. No one seems to disagree.  They look to him. 

Twin Peaks Film Location - Meeting on the Rock Path
Episode 2.009

Well. There’s another thing that bothers me.  If he was real. If he was here and we had him, trapped, and he got away … where is Bob now? 

Maybe not. But if he was real, if he was here and we had him trapped, and he got away … where is Bob now?

They look at each other. No one has the answer.

Twin Peaks Film Location - Meeting on the Rock Path
Episode 2.009
Twin Peaks Film Location - Meeting on the Rock Path
Episode 2.009

Of course, I LOVE the editing for this scene that cuts to Agent Cooper when Truman asks, “Where is Bob now?” It’s such foreshadowing of things to come later in Season 2 and into Season 3.

The scene cuts to Owl Pipe, which this article has a great look at that film location along Franklin Canyon Drive.


A big thank you to Bookhouse Boys Charles and Travis for sharing their adventures more than 10 years ago. Here is the page about this spot that once appeared on

One thought on “Twin Peaks Film Location – Meeting on the Rock Path

  1. I LOVE this scene! In my head-canon, this is where Twin Peaks ends.

    Do you know why Cooper is holding a small, paper bag? Any idea what’s inside it?

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